Jan 12 DNA Aconcagua live update

Hello all from base camp, Plaza de Mulas. The entire DNA group hiked up to
this almost 14,000 foot camp from Confluenza yesterday. It was a long day
for all, with about 9 hours on the trail, but everyone did great. The hike
started with a steep climb up out of the glacial valley./stream that marks
the end of the Horcones minor glacier right outside of the Confluenza, Once
we were up above that valley we entered another broad, wide valley that was
fairly dusty – especially when the mules went by. The dirt gave way to a
broad, rocky glacial valley, complete with a few streams of glacial runoff
that had to be crossed. There was a slight upgrade in the valley for several
miles, with the steeper parts saved until the end. More mule trains passed
us, this time going down, as the mules load up at Confluenza, come up here
to base camp, unload, and go back down all in one day. Certainly the mules
work very hard, and all climbers should be grateful that they do the,
literally, heavy lifting, of most of the climbers gear as well as tents and
food. I wonder how many people would climber Aconcagua if they had to carry
all of their own gear and food, etc.? Certainly I would think a lot fewer.
The very steepest section was the final mile or so into camp. All of the
climbers did INCREDIBLY well. Certainly there was a sense of accomplishment,
and a clearer view of things to come, for all. In particular we were all
THRILLED that both Malcolm and Reyna made it to Plaza de Mulas; their summit
here on the mountain. Yet again we were very impressed with how well they
did. We have all been learning more about these two young adults, and the
challenges they face in their everyday lives, and are all even more
impressed with their attitude and character. In addition, the climbers are
really seeing the value in having Reyna and Malcolm along – what a wonderful
opportunity this is for both the climbers and the kids. We can only hope
that they will carry this as a positive experience for the rest of their
lives. Making some small difference is satisfying. The question is: what do
we do for them from here, after they leave the mountain, we continue the
climb, and leave the country?

After arriving at camp we had dinner and went to bed – everyone sufficiently
tired to attempt a good night’s sleep. However, the winds had a different
idea, with gusts reaching maybe has high as 50 mph. Luckily the winds
stopped in the early morning and allowed a bit more rest for all.

This morning, following breakfast, all climbers had to go to medical check –
again (just as they did in Confluenza). The check includes blood oxygen
levels, blood pressure, heart rate, and a listen to their lungs and heart.
Everyone was cleared to continue – another sign of how strong this group is!
For the rest of the day it’s rest, relaxation, and hydration. Tomorrow the
group will be making the acclimatization hike to Camp Canada, and back down
to base camp, tomorrow.

… An update from later in the day – around 5 pm local time. We actually
said goodbye today to Reyna and Malcolm. After the long and difficult over
11 mile trek here yesterday the local guides decided that it would be best
for them to trek down as far as Confluenza today, sleep there tonight, then
hike the remaining approximately 5 miles down to the trail head/ranger
station tomorrow; rather than having them do the entire appx 16 miles in one
day tomorrow. This was a smart decision. But… it was very hard to say
goodbye to them! And, they had a difficult time saying goodbye to all of us,
and their new friends the local guides and staff. There were very few dry
eyes as we all said goodbye, hugged, and promised that they would not be
forgotten. Another day I will post more about their personal stories, and
what it meant to them to have this experience. I know I will never be the

And now, messages from the climbers!

Mick Donoff

Hi Guys.

We are here in Plaza de MMulas. Great camp and food and lot’s of wind and
cold. Rest day for us. Love

to all.

Paulette, Corrine, Evan, Family and Friends,

All continues to go well. I am acclimating just fine with good B.P, Pulse
and Pulse Oximeter readings.

It was 12F in the tent this morning but my sleeping bag is super warm. This
is a blast.

Love Michael

Namaste to all from Robin. Yesterday was our first big climb and I revel in
it. Plaza de Mulas is beautiful and the Horcones glacier stunning. You are
in my heart.


Hi all, lieve allemaal, here is Marieke.

Plaza de Mulas is fantastico, we can see the route up from our tent, about 2
days ahead. The tent is next to a field of penitentes, what a view! We just
waved bye bye to our ‘jovenes’ Reyna and Malcolm. It has been a great
experience and already has made this trip very special. We all were very sad
that we had to part. Love to you all!

It is a different life here at base camp. Very windy, a bit cold, but not
uncomfortable. I miss my family. It is getting a bit more serious now that
we can see the hard hukes ahead. Tomorrow will take me to the highest
elevation I have ever been.

Love and miss you all, Rick

Hello TeleTech from 13,993′ Plaza de Mulas, our base camp. The youth who
joined us from the Crescere Foundation left today after a wonderful once in
a life time experience in the mountains. Thank you to the TeleTech

Hello from Jim at 14,000 feet! It’s strange to camp at an altitude that is
usually the height of the peak I’ve climbed. We hiked 11 miles yesterday. It
was almost as hard as my marathon tennis matches with Tony Miller. Okay,
maybe a little harder. I’m feeling strong and I miss all of

Mike Monahan

Hi Sandy, today is a rest day so we are just laying around. A very pretty
day. I hope things are well at home give Bob a big hug. Great people and
guides here,a very congenial group. Love and hugs, I miss you. Mike

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9 Responses to Jan 12 DNA Aconcagua live update

  1. rhaefele says:

    Hi Heather, Marsh, Robin, Theresa, Marieke, Alex and the rest of you,
    We are following along and wishing you the best. I look forward to hearing the tales when you come back.

    Be safe and be in the moment,

  2. Sandy says:

    Hi Mike from bobdog,Sandy and Matt. It was really good to read your blog.Glad that you are resting and restoring your energy for your long hard day.I have faith that you are well, and will continue to be well. Keep your head.I'm here in my office fighting with computers…so what's new? We are missing you immensely but happy you are on this journey. We love you and think of you often.Bob sends tail thumps, and I send love-wiff

  3. Bob Brokaw says:

    I'm very impressed with your outfitter. Marshall seems to be doing all the things necessary for a safe and successful trip. Just keep the stupids at bay and keep up the good work.

  4. Cat Newman says:


    It was great to talk to you today – to hear your voice and know that you are doing well.

    The kids were excited to see the webcam pic that I captured! They are trying to be good and helpful…. (keyword 'trying'). :o)

    We are keeping busy here and time is flying by, but we can't wait to have you safe at home.

    Love, Cat

  5. Hey Alex, Marsh, Heather, and Robin..way to go guys on a great hike up to 14,000 feet. I'm enjoying living vicariously through you all, and following all the news from Chel's hospital room!! And it's probably currently just as cold in DC as base camp if that makes you feel any better!!! Keep up the good work and keep on truckin up that bastard!!! Alex, it's probably easier than UTMB so you'll be fine!!! No chicken wings though..hope your "issues" have calmed down. And you'd better do some leg stretched before you go any higher…not for the climbing, but just when it's 30 below and you have to drop your pants quickly to shit, your hamstrings won't seize up on you…THAT can cause some real dangerous moments!!!haha

  6. petewmoehrke says:

    Alex, Make sure you take care of yourself!!!

    Pete M

  7. Cat Newman says:

    Rick – you'll get a kick out of this:

    I got a FB post from Nikki Hayden tonight – she said for me to tell you that Tony told her to tell me to tell you that he's following your Aconcagua blog that she has posted on her FB page and wanted you to know he's thinking of you and says "hi".

    Um, okaaayyy…


    I told her to tell Tony to get his lazy, unsophisticated butt onto FB and email me himself.


  8. mmonahan says:

    Hey Dad,
    I hope all is going well for you. I look forward to hearing all the wonderful stories that you'll have to share when you return home. Gimme a call when you can!

  9. Jim says:

    Robin and Marieke –
    Congrats on your first big pull up to 14! Best wishes all the way up and back.
    Stay safe, Jim Cole

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