“Running on Empty,” Online

Marshall is a world traveller, but he thinks of himself as a Colorado farm boy. I’m from the midwest, a Minnesota girl. So maybe it’s no surprise that when we started developing our social media and moving our blog last month, I felt something like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. There were plenty of moments when I wanted to hug the dog and tell Marshall, “I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

Flickr and Twitter and blogs, oh my!

The tornado of activity around managing everything online is necessary. Marshall’s new book, Running on Empty, goes on sale this spring, and we want to make it a big success, not just for us, but also for the agent and publisher who believed in this project, for all the people who are the real heart of this story, and for the charity that will receive a portion of the proceeds. Starting in October, about six months before the pub date, we need to make a big push to get Marshall’s name out there, promote the book, and continue expanding the opportunities for him to do speaking engagements, which is the newest phase in his professional life.

But, honestly, all this business with Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Google, Yahoo, and so on, along with this blog and the MarshallUlrich.com Web site and the accompanying SEO efforts (yes, I concern myself with search engines now), can feel … overwhelming.

It doesn’t come naturally to either of us, neither the self-promotion nor the techno speak. Suffice it to say that we’ve received an education. And we haven’t even started working with Penguin’s publicity department yet.

So, no, we’re not going to pretend to know it all, but we’re also not going to shy away from using all of these tools at our disposal. We do laugh when people rib us about suddenly having everything in motion.

“What is the world coming to? Marshall Ulrich tweets? Has a Facebook public figure page?”

Yes, folks, he does. As Marshall says, we’ve got nearly everything but a taut string and two tin cans:

  • Both of us pay attention to Facebook, share news, and respond to posts and comments.
  • We also send out regular messages on Twitter.
  • I still publish an e-newsletter periodically, which will now include book news along with the information about Marshall’s latest expeditions and adventures. You can subscribe by joining the mailing list. This is the best way to find out about special book-related events, promotions, and “extras” that we’ll be adding to our Web site in coming months.
  • There’s also an RSS feed for this blog, but if you’re on the mailing list, you’ll be notified of most new posts.
  • You’re still welcome to send me an e-mail message.

The process of launching this book promises to be a wild ride. We hope you’ll come along with us!

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11 Responses to “Running on Empty,” Online

  1. Ryan Morgan says:

    I think you are doing a fantastic job! It can be difficult being thrown into something new so fast. Keep up the excellent work….hoping for a “bumper crop” come harvest time 🙂

    Ryan Morgan

  2. ruben cantu says:

    Looking forward to getting the book. As soon as i know it is out i plan to order it. Thanks and best of luck launching the book. Best regards to Marshall.

  3. John Vonhof says:

    The time you spend doing social media now will be repaid when the book comes out. Yes, our world has changed and become more computer and Web based. As if we need more things to fill our time. I look forward to the book and helping promote it to my followers.

  4. Maryann Ramirez says:

    Believe me, I felt the same way when the company I work for went online. It is a huge responsibility to take all that on, and I feel like you are on the right track! Thanks for keeping us informed.

  5. THANKS so much all for the words of encouragement and support. Hopefully we can keep it interesting, informative, and fun! Best, Heather

  6. Joanne Gabbin says:

    Dear Marshall and Heather,
    I understand the demands of the new media. I am working on a tribute for the late Lucille Clifton with Nikki Giovanni, and I have advertised it on Facebook and several distribution lists. It is daunting to know how many people see these messages. I remain very excited to see the book. Hang in there. The road ahead is sloping down.

  7. Thanks for your kind words Joanne, and best of luck with your projects!!!

  8. Why says:

    I really can’t wait to see the book. Keep it up. Good luck, man!

    Why´s last blog post ..Why do hurricanes happen

  9. Jim McCord says:


    I’m on your list and can’t wait til the book comes out!

    Jim McCord
    Cross country 2002

  10. Shirlee Ross says:

    Greetings to you two-
    Holy cow..tons going on for you; thrilled for your success. Am I crazy in even putting the notion of you doing a camp out here in the Okanagan next year similar to Death Valley Notion? I believe that I could organize and round up some interested folks…So happy to help. Please let me know if this is possible in any way, shape or form…Warmest regards,
    Shirlee PS..Would love to involve/help i2P, Ray at the same time. xx

  11. Dean says:

    Hi Marrshall & Heather,

    I’m from Minnesota …… Any chance you will be making a stop here on your book tour?



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